Warrior is a 2011 American sports drama film directed by Gavin O'Connor and starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte, Jennifer Morrison, and Frank Grillo. Warrior tells the story of two estranged brothers entering a mixed martial arts tournament, and deals the brothers' struggling relationship with each other and with their father. The film was released on September 9, 2011 to critical acclaim.
- Tom Hardy as Tommy Riordan
- Joel Edgerton as Brendan Conlon
- Nick Nolte as Paddy Conlon
- Jennifer Morrison as Tess Conlon
- Frank Grillo as Frank Campana
- Kurt Angle as Koba
- Jake McLaughlin as Mark Bradford
- Noah Emmerich as Dan Taylor
- Kevin Dunn as Principal Joe Zito
- Denzel Whitaker as Stephon