The Dark Knight Rises is an upcoming epic superhero film. Based on the DC Comicscharacter Batman, the film will be the third and final installment in Nolan's Batman film series, and is a sequel to Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. The film will be directed by Christopher Nolan, written by Nolan and his brother Jonathan and starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine,Gary Oldman, and Morgan Freeman as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, James Gordon, and Lucius Fox, respectively. The film will take place eight years after the events ofThe Dark Knight and will introduce the characters of Selina Kyle and Bane—portrayed by Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy—two villains from the Batman mythology.
The Dark Knight Rises is an upcoming epic superhero film. Based on the DC Comicscharacter Batman, the film will be the third and final installment in Nolan's Batman film series, and is a sequel to Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. The film will be directed by Christopher Nolan, written by Nolan and his brother Jonathan and starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine,Gary Oldman, and Morgan Freeman as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, James Gordon, and Lucius Fox, respectively. The film will take place eight years after the events ofThe Dark Knight and will introduce the characters of Selina Kyle and Bane—portrayed by Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy—two villains from the Batman mythology.